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Multi-functional Bluetooth Health Monitor – How to monitor dynamic persistent blood pressure, blood pressure trends

Multi-functional Bluetooth Health Monitor – How to monitor dynamic persistent blood pressure, blood pressure trends

Multi-functional Bluetooth detector, ambulate blood pressure mainly refers to the blood pressure automatically monitored at intervals within 24 hours. Ambulate blood pressure can not only diagnose and manage latent hypertension, but also find the rule and rhythm of blood pressure changes by monitoring blood pressure at different time periods, improve the therapeutic effect of hypertension, and prevent changes in cardiac function and structure.

What conditions need to monitor ambulate persistent blood pressure, and how to do a good job of monitoring persistent blood pressure?
Clarify the indication of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring:

1. Office or home blood pressure monitoring found elevated blood pressure, and the blood pressure fluctuated widely, sometimes normal, sometimes elevated, or multiple blood pressure measurements within the mean range of hypertension.

2. For patients diagnosed with hypertension who have received antihypertensive treatment, if two or more drugs are combined with sufficient dose, the blood pressure is still not up to the standard.

3. For patients diagnosed with hypertension and who have received antihypertensive treatment, the blood pressure has reached the standard, that is, the blood pressure measured repeatedly is lower than the average.
However, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications occur, such as stroke, heart failure, myocardial infarction, renal insufficiency and so on.
Clear ambulatory blood pressure monitoring program:

1. An appropriate monitoring programme should ensure, as far as possible, that the monitoring period exceeds 24 hours and that at least one blood pressure reading is taken every hour; Or monitor your blood pressure for an hour to see how it goes.

2. Measurement is usually set every 15 to 30 minutes during the day; Or uninterrupted continuous monitoring for more than 1 hour.

3. Generally speaking, if the effective reading is more than 70% of the set reading, more than 30 daytime blood pressure readings can be calculated to form a blood pressure trend chart, which can be regarded as effective monitoring.
To clarify the clinical application value of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring:

1. Can be identified in patients with elevated blood pressure.
Occult hypertension “; Especially “simple nocturnal hypertension”.

2. The circadian rhythm of blood pressure can be observed, and whether blood pressure does not drop at night; Morning peak blood pressure is elevated; Whether the variation of blood pressure is too large.

3. The effectiveness of antihypertensive treatment can be evaluated and antihypertensive drugs can be selected, including long-acting antihypertensive drugs that can be taken once a day to control blood pressure for 24 hours. The blood pressure fluctuated rhythmically within 24 h, and the diurnal variation of blood pressure was in the shape of two peaks and one valley.

The first peak occurred from 08:00 to 09:00 in the morning, and then the blood pressure leveled off. The second peak occurred from 16:00 to 18:00 in the afternoon, and the lowest occurred from 2:00 to 3:00 at night.

If the mean blood pressure at night is less than 10% lower than that in the daytime, or even the blood pressure at night is higher than that in the daytime, sleep monitoring should be screened to rule out sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome. After the screening, a plan should be made to restore the normal circadian rhythm.
Based on the blood pressure trend chart, we can conclude that:
For those with high blood pressure in the early morning and afternoon, pay attention to reducing the blood pressure in the early morning. Meanwhile, sleep monitoring can be conducted at night to check whether there is sleep apnea.

1. Home blood pressure vs. dynamic persistent blood pressure

Home blood pressure can also help us find a lot of problems, but it is complex, irregular, is prone to errors. Therefore, it is still necessary to carry out dynamic and continuous blood pressure monitoring, and take the average blood pressure, which is more accurate and more reference for monitoring results.

In addition, one of the biggest advantages of dynamic continuous blood pressure monitoring is that it can effectively help patients solve problems within 24 hours, while it takes a long period of monitoring for home blood pressure to make a judgment.

2. Influence on patients’ sleep

Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring needs 24 hours. Some doctors worry that it will affect patients’ sleep, which will indirectly affect the accuracy of blood pressure measurement.

In fact, it is unnecessary. Although ambulatory blood pressure monitoring may inevitably affect patients’ sleep, it does not affect the accuracy of blood pressure measurement.

Not only do we have a blood pressure monitor for home use, but we also have a monitor that monitors constant blood pressure and, through an applet, a blood pressure trend chart on your phone.

The operation is also very simple, just clip on the finger, you can monitor (it is recommended to continuously monitor for 30-60 minutes) to take the draw value, or refer to the trend of blood pressure, with the family ordinary sphygmomanometer in the morning and evening point measurement, so that you can be very accurate and convenient management of family blood pressure.

Post time: Nov-06-2022